Part Type Classification by Property
A set of Part Type Mapping Rules can be added for each of the following Part Properties. The user can create as many PART_TYPE classifications as they like.
Companies that use intelligent part-numbering schemes can take advantage of PART_NUMBER pattern matches to assign part-types
The Part Name is the usually the name of the symbol used to add the part in a design. This is an easy rule to differentiate a POLARIZED capacitor vs a NON-POLAR cap because they typically use different symbols
Reference Designators are a great fallback to map a part to a PART_TYPE… a REF_DES starting with U can be mapped to IC, starting with C can be mapped to CAPACITOR, but is more difficult to assign a more specific Part Type based on the refDes
The Description Property if present is a valuable property to differentiate between specialized partTypes like IC, PowerModule, Oscillator, XTAL
Each of these sets is run in the sequence chosen by the user, with each set being sorted by rule length, and the rules executed in order of shortest to longest.
The Order (or Priority) of the Property used to identify the part Type can be controlled by the Priority Pulldown… If the priority of a Mapping Property is changed, that Property’s Mapping Table will be moved accordingly so that the layout of the page shows the Order the sequence of properties that NetBom will be using to assign a Part Type.
Assigning the Part Types
NetBom goes For each part in the design, NetBom iterates through these tables in the configured sequence. It builds a list of every pattern match in the mapping table. The list of match patterns are is sorted by the length of (so that more the most specific matches will be applied checked first) and the first match that matches the current part property is used to assign the Part Type for that part. If no match is found for the Property, then NetBom chooses the next property in the priority list, and checks all the pattern map matches set for it until an actual match is found. If no matches are found the final PART_TYPE for that part is left blank.
Demo Video
A quick video is probably the best way to describe the operation of this interface.