

Here is a sample file that was created from a Vendors pdf datasheet for a DDR4 DIMM  using the Nitro Free PDF to Excel Converter 

In this case the spreadsheet provides the PIN_NUMBER in columns A,C,E,G,J,L,N,and P and the PIN_NAME in columns B,D,F,H,K,M,O and Q note that Column I is skipped. The Header Row is row#2, the actual Pin Data starts in Row#3 and ends at Row#38.

DownLoad Actual Spreadsheet
Figure 4: GENERIC_CSV File for a DDR4 DIMM connector

PartBuilder Configuration for this example

PartBuilder must be told how the pin_data is organized in the actual spreadsheet. This is accomplished using the Extra Config Options Popup which can be accessed by the More Options Button on the Main GUI.

In the DDR4 example file shown above, each row of the spreadsheet contains the PIN_NUM and PIN_NAME for 8 individual pins.  The middle column (column I) is skipped.

In that case, the row is a series of PIF_GROUPs containing PIN_NUM:PIN_NAME with one SKIP PIF in the middle. 

The user could enter:


But its easier to use the REPEAT_COUNT=>Modifier, so we choose


This tells PartBuilder to expect 4 consecutive PIN_NUM:PIN_NAME pairs, followed by a SKIP column, followed by 4 more PIN_NUM:PIN_NAME pairs.


The GENERIC_CSV_HDR_ID tells partBuilder what row is the last Header field.  In this case the HEADER is in ROW2 PartBuilder expects to find valid pin data on every occupied row following the Header Row.