Regular Expression Rename Rules DiffPair Renaming... Example 1

Regular Expression Rename Rules DiffPair Renaming... Example 1

The Rename Rules use the full power of the Perl  Regular expression engine to perform search and replace on the pin_names. The following example describes a powerful set of regular expression used to rename some strangely named clk output pins found in a TI data sheet (for the LMK00338 device) . The 4 regular expression replace rules start on line 7. As the block below describes, those 4 rules can do the work of the 20 rules that are expanded below them. 

#rename rules for clock out diff_pairs
#These rename rules were used with a TI clk buffer chip which named its clock output pins
# clkouta0 and clkouta0* 
#we want to rename clkouta0 to clockouta0_p and clkouta0* to clkouta0_n
#Using the power of Regular Expressions, we can get all of the signals renamed with the following REPLACE_RULES


#the $ in the regular expression says the match must occur at the end of the string.
#The CLKOUT[AB]\d+ says the match has to have CLKOUT followed by A or B, followed by any number of digits (0-9).
#The Parenthesis tell the Regular Experession engine to capture everything that matches between the Parenthesis in the $1 variable.
#Then we can use the $1 Variable and append the  _P or _N to it.
#so when PartBuilder sees CLKOUTA0, the first Regular expression matches it and CLKOUTA0 is stored in $1
#We then replace it with $1_P so we get CLKOUTA0_P
#when PartBuilder sees CLKOUTA1*, the 2nd Regular expression matches it and CLKOUTA1 is stored in $1 (without the asterix since it is outside the parenthesis).
#We then replace it with $1_N so we get CLKOUTA0_N

#if we want to avoid using the advanced Regular expression constructs, we could enter every match by hand
# Like this: Note they are all commented out here 





Here is the sample STATUS window output (with DEBUG messages enabled) Aftr running the SIG_RENAME_RULE operation.