Starting CE-HDL from Allegro

Starting CE-HDL from Allegro

Starting CE-HDL from AllegroHDL

Once the CE-HDL tools have been installed There are 2 or 3 ways to start the CE-HDL GUI from AllegroHDL.

  1. The user can use the menu to select the CE-HDL item which will start the tool
  2. The user can also type the CE-HDL (case insensitive) command in the AllegroHDL console window
  3. If the user sets up a shortcut key, like <F12>, they can use that to start CE-HDL

Details of the CE-HDL GUI can be found on this page: [ The CE-HDL GUI ]

The CE-HDL GUI can be closed on its own, or will be shut down automatically when AllegroHDL exits.

Use CadEnhance Pulldown Menu

The user can select the CE-HDL menu item under the CadEnhance Context menu available in AllegroHDL

Use CE-HDL command in the AllegroHDL Console

The command is case insensitive and Allegro will even complete it if you type the first part of it.