SDL PreProcessor commands include the EXIT statement, LOOP_DIRECTIVES and VARIABLE SUBSTITUTION commands. They greatly increase the efficiency of creating parts that contain multiple similar interfaces like a microprocessor with 2 DRAM busses or an FPGA with multiple IO Banks with the same number and types of pins. They can also be used to quickly break up busses into nicely structured sub-busses
Table of Contents |
The Expanded SDL File
PartBuilder first scans the input SDL file to see if it contains LOOP _DIRECTIVES or Variable Substitution. If it finds any, it creates a new, expanded version of the input SDL file which it saves to the local directory and then uses for the pin to symbol assigment step. The expanded file has all the LOOP_DIRECTIVES and VARIABLE_SUB_DIRECTIVES removed. The LOOP_DIRECTIVES cause the expander to copy ranges of lines multiple times in the expanded file with the LOOP variables substituted. The expander function does not have any intelligence about the SDL statements inside the loop, it just makes copies and substitutes the variable values.
One benefit of this approach is it allows the user to clearly see how the loops were expanded, and possibly catch any unintended consequences of the loops. While the user is encouraged to examine the expanded SDL File, They should be careful not to edit it, as any changes they make to that file will be overwritten the next time PartBuilder reads and expands the input SDL file.
The `EXIT statement
The `EXIT pre-processor command can be added anywhere in the working SDL file to tell PartBuilder to stop processing any lines following that statement. This works great when the user wants to incrementally build symbols in the SDL. For instance, the SMART-Frac Feature builds a template file with all the pin-matches required to build the symbols, but it leaves a lot of pin_matches with the CHOOSE_SIDE location modifier which tells the user that they need to pick a side to place the matching pins. PartBuilder errors out if it sees any pin_matches with the CHOOSE_SIDE modifier, so putting an `EXIT command in before a list of pins that the user has not yet worked on, allows the user to incrementally build symbols. (In this case the user should also select the BUILD PARTIAL SYMBOLS checkbox so that the symbol build process will run to completion even though PartBuilder knows that the user hasn't mapped all the pins yet)
(note that support for the `EXIT statement was added after PartBuilder version v18.1.1)
VARIABLE Value Assignment and Substitution
The user can use variables within Loops or just globally change a of a set of PIN_MATCHES in some MATCH_STATEMENTS that they cut and paste.
VARIABLES can be substituted anywhere in the SDL including in Comments, SYMBOL_NAME_DEFINITIONS and MATCH_STATEMENTS.
A Variable is assigned with the following statement:
The VAR_NAME cannot contain spaces, but it can consist of any other characters except the backtick and the equal sign.
The VALUE can be a number or a string or a mix of numbers and characters and spaces.
To have PartBuilder substitute the current Value of a variable in the SDL, the VARIABLE is prepended with a backtick and suffixed with 2 colons like:
Quick Example:
Input SDL with Variable | Expanded SDL File after Variable Substitution |
`LET SYM=3 RX_SYMBOL_`SYM::= `LET A=[5:0] LEFT:dpair=>RX`A::_P RIGHT:dpair=>TX`A::_P !BSS+2 `LET A=[11:6] LEFT:dpair=>RX`A::_P RIGHT:dpair=>TX`A::_P ; | RX_SYMBOL_3= LEFT:dpair=>RX[5:0]_P RIGHT:dpair=>TX[5:0]_P !BSS+2 LEFT:dpair=>RX[11:6]_P RIGHT:dpair=>TX[11:6]_P ; |
Each one must start at the beginning of a line with the backtick ` character to tell PartBuilder that this is a special line
When PartBuilder Expands the Input SDL file upon seeing a LOOP_DIRECTIVE, what it really does is create multiple copies of the lines between
the `FOR and `END_FOR while substituting in the running value of the LOOP_VARIABLE as it copies
Lets show a simple example before we look at the technical parts
Input SDL | expanded SDL | ||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
PartBuilder finds the `For in the input SDL file, so it goes through the process of creating the expanded file It first prints the warning at the top of the file The Loop is started with `FOR B in (1..2,15..16) at line 1 and ends with the `ENDFOR at line 9 The IO_BANK`B::= SYMBOL_NAME_DEFINTION which starts at line 2 and ends with the semicolon at line 7 Part Builder expands the (1..2,15..16) to a list of 1,2,15,16, and goes through the loop 4 times, assigning variable B the next value in the list. for each iteration of the loop, it prints all the lines including the space after the ';' to the expanded file while substituting the current value of B for that iteration. |
These loops assign the LOOP_VAR or LOOP_VAR_LIST with consecutive values from the provided LIST_OF_VALUES.
SDL_STATEMENTS (some containing `LOOP_VAR:: for LOOP_VARIABLE substitution )
The LOOP_VAR is used to store the individual values from the LIST_OF_VALUES. It needs to start with a letter from A-Z. There is no restriction on how long the LOOP_VAR name is
The LIST_OF_VALUES is very flexible It is built of comma seperated elements which can be numbers, letters, words, or a RANGE OPERATOR ('1..11' or '7..3')
PartBuilder reads the LIST_OF_VALUES (and expands any range_operators)
It then makes one copy of the enclosed SDL_STATEMENTS for each value in the expanded list of values.
LOOP | expanded to: | notes |
`FOR B IN (2,3,5,7,9) left=>DQ`B:: `END_FOR | left=>DQ2 left=>DQ3 left=>DQ5 left=>DQ7 left=>DQ9 | |
`FOR IO_BANK IN (1..4,12,B1,15..17,21..19) right=>IO_*_`IO_BANK:: `END_FOR | right=>IO_*_1 right=>IO_*_2 right=>IO_*_3 right=>IO_*_4 right=>IO_*_12 right=>IO_*_B1 right=>IO_*_15 right=>IO_*_16 right=>IO_*_17 right=>IO_*_21 right=>IO_*_20 right=>IO_*_19 | The LIST_OF_VALUES contains multiple single elements mixed with several range operatators. It will be expanded to: 1,2,3,4,12,B1,15,16,17,21,20,19 which has 12 elements. note the last range operator 21..19 was specified in MSB..LSB order PartBuilder makes 12 copies of the MATCH_STATEMENT, substituting the value of IO_BANK each time |
SDL_STATEMENTS (including `LOOP_VAR:: for substitution )
The LOOP_VAR_LIST is used to pull more than one value from the LIST_OF_VALUES. It is a comma separated list of LOOP_VARS
The LIST_OF_VALUES is built of comma separated elements which can be numbers, letters, words, or a RANGE OPERATOR ('1..11' or '7..3')
PartBuilder reads the LIST_OF_VALUES (and expands any range_operators)
It assigns the first n elements of the LIST_OF_VALUES to the variables in the LOOP_VAR_LIST
It then makes one copy of the enclosed SDL_STATEMENTS for each n elements in the expanded list of values.
Loop | Expanded to | Notes |
| Part Builder pulls 2 elements at a time out of the LOOP_VAR_LIST to populate LOOP_VARS SNAME and RST_NUM |
| PartBuilder expands the LIST_OF_VALUES to 1,2,7,8 it assigns 1,2 to OB and EB and then copies the lines |
| Very similar to previous, but there is only one element left in the list for the 3rd pass of the copy You might be building a part with 5 banks, so the first 2 symbols will have an odd and even bank, but the last symbol will only have one. PartBuilder will gracefully handle this case for you in 2 steps... For the 3rd symbol, PartBuilder expansion replaces the empty EB variable with !UNDEF When PartBuilder reads the expanded SDL and sees the !UNDEF in the SYMBOL_NAME_DIRECTIVE, it removes the !UNDEF and the Trailing underscore from the symbol_name. So it ends up with a symbol named IO_BANKS_9 any MATCH_STATEMENT containing an !UNDEF will be removed from the list since it can't match anything |
`For OB,EB IN (1..2,3,!UNDEF,7..8) IO_BANKS_`OB::_`EB::= left=>IO_*_`OB:: right=>IO_*_`EB:: ; `END_FOR | IO_BANKS_1_2= IO_BANKS_3_!UNDEF= left=>IO_*_3 right=>IO_*_!UNDEF :
| Manually Adding the !UNDEF is very powerful as well In this case there is no IO_BANK_4 to pair with IO_BANK_3 so we manually insert an !UNDEF where bank 4 should have been Again PartBuilder will gracefully handle this case for you For the 2nd symbol, PartBuilder expansion uses the 3 and the !UNDEF values When PartBuilder reads the expanded SDL and sees the !UNDEF in the SYMBOL_NAME_DIRECTIVE, and in the pin_matches it removes the !UNDEF and the Trailing underscore from the symbol_name. and removes the !UNDEF matches from the list without reporting any warnings IO_BANKS 7 and 8 get grouped together properly |
REPEAT_LOOPS provide an convienent way to split up bussed signals and their associated control signals into nicely grouped slices.
The LOOP_VAR in a repeat loop is implied in the SLICE_IDX or IDX of the BUS INC_DEC Operator
SDL_STATEMENTS (some with BUSSED INC_DEC operators)
BUS INC_DEC Operators
The BUS_SLICE is used to create smaller slices of a larger bus. The SLICE IDX is a ':' seperated range that provides the First and Last digits of the first slice you want to create
The COUNT appended to the INC|DEC operator is added to both elements to create the next slice at the end of each iteration of the REPEAT Loop
The BUS_NAME is used to create one element for a signal in a control bus. The IDX is a single number and it is the starting element of the control bus you are slicing
The COUNT appended to the INC|DEC operator is added to the IDX select the next bus_element at the end of each iteration of the REPEAT Loop
REPEAT_LOOP Example with BUS INC_DEC Operators
repeat loop | after expansion | notes |
DDR_DQ= | DDR_DQ= | Modern DDR DRAM interfaces typically have a differential strobe associated with 4,8 or 16 bit slices of a data bus In this example the first strobe is: DQS0 for 8 bit data slice DQ[7:0] The next strobe is DQS1 for 8 bit data slice DQ[15:8] The next strobe is DQS2 for 8 bit data slice DQ[23:16] The next strobe is DQS3 for 8 bit data slice DQ[31:24] Note that the `REPEAT loop was located inside the DDR_DQ= SYMBOL_NAME_DEFINITION |
The REPLICATE LOOP was released in v2.9.10 of PartBuilder to make it easier to define one complete symbol and then wrap a REPLICATE directive around it to create other symbols based off the first one. It saves the user the trouble of having to create a loop variable like A and then substitute the `A:: into the pin_matches. It gives the user an easy way to replicate symbols (or any block of SDL) without having to think too much like a programmer
SDL_STATEMENTS with a common match
The user provides the SUBSTITUTION_DEFINITION (SUB_DEF) to tell partBuilder what to change within in the SDL wrapped by the `REPLICATE directive each time through the REPLICATE loop. Multiple SUB_DEFS can be provided in the same `REPLICATE statement... they are separated by a space, semicolon or colon. A SUB_DEF is created with a
The replace_list is a comma separated list of replacement strings.
The Replicate Loop will be run once for each of the strings in the replace_list
If the SUB_DEF is P0_=>P0_,P1_,P2_,P3_ the replicate Loop will be executed 4 times, once for P0_, P1_,P2_and P3_
The replace_list can also be provided using range operators so that P0=>P(0..3)_ gets expanded to P0=>P0_,P1_,P2_,P3_
If multiple SUB_DEFS are provided, each one must have the same number of items in their replace_list
`REPLICATE Expansion Example
REPLICATE loop | after expansion | Notes | ||||||
| ||||||
These loops are very similar to iterative loops most commonly encountered in programming languages like C and Perl.
With the advent of the other loop structures, this one has become less used for building symbols, but can still be used to perform some
simple substitutions to avoid having to input many similar lines of MATCH_STATEMENTS
SDL_STATEMENTS (some with `VARNAME:: for substitution )
The LOOP_VAR name follows the same rules as the other LOOP_TYPES, It must to start with a letter from A-Z. There is no restriction on how long the LOOP_VAR name is.
The COMP_OPERATOR can be one of ==, >, <, >=, or <=
The INC_DEC_OPERATOR can be ++, --, +=n, -=n
Iterative Loop | Expanded | Notes |
DIFF_PAIR_SYMBOL= | DIFF_PAIR_SYMBOL= | Before PartBuilder added the dpair Modifier to the PIN_MATCH_STATEMENT Iterative loops were very useful to add a bus of diff pairs to a symbol. The equivalent of this loop using a dpair modifier in the SDL (without any need for the loop) would be DIFF_PAIR_SYMBOL= right:dpair=>dp_o_sig[0:3]_p left:dpair=>dp_i_sig[0:3]_p ; The iterative loop still provides value if a part had some oddly named diff_pairs where PartBuilder cannot automatically detect the mates using its exhaustive diff_pair detection algorithm. |
DDR_DQ_ITER= | DDR_DQ_ITER= | This iterative loop along with the variable assignments, performs the same bus slicing operation shown in the REPEAT_LOOP example above. The cumbersome math was the reason PartBuilder implemented the REPEAT_LOOP to make it easier to break apart busses. |