The netlist tool exports a partlist.csv file using the BOM_HEADER_PROPERTIES ctlVariable to control the columns included in the BOM report
The BOM_HEADER_PROPERTIES ctl variable (default: PART_NUMBER,QTY,REF_DES,DESCRIPTION) can be changed to add or remove, and any valid part property (like JEDEC_TYPE, VOLTAGE...) to the report. The order that the columns appear in the report is also controlled by this variable.
the NL_ITEM_CELLS_PER_ROW ctl variable (default:25) controls how many Reference designators will be placed in a row, If more exist, they will be split across multiple lines to make the report more readable.
Properties are read from the pstxprt.dat file and from any cadence .pst libraray file referenced in the design (to allow inclusion of properties that exist in the .pst file but might not be included in the netlist)
An example partlist.csv file opened in excel is shown below.
In this case, the Description field was not present in either the pst library files (and therefore would also not be present in the pstxprt.dat file)
The ITEM number is always added,
the QTY is not a part property but rather a count of the number of REF_DES in the partlist.
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