Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The NetList Compare Operation identifies changes in connections between the 2 designs. 

A sample report can be viewed here: net1_diff_net2.txt

The reports summarize the following Differences differences between the 2 design Part Listspart lists:

  • Added Nets


  • Removed Nets
  • Renamed Nets
  • Nets


  • With Added Pins
  • Nets


  • With Removed Pins
  • Nets With Added & Removed Pins
  • Pins


  • On New Nets


For browser report help and information, see the Web Report Features documentation.

The report headers in this report, like all NetBom web browser reports, are customizable using the NETBOM_REPORT_SETTINGS CSET.

Note: if there is no voltage property in the netlist, the voltage is inferred from the net name using a highly customizable net name voltage extraction system. More information on this can be found in the NetBom Voltage Matching documentation.

Added Nets

Identifies any Nets nets appearing in Design1 the new design that did is not appear in Design2present in the old design.
Added Nets

***Nets Added in Design1 NetList
 | Net Name         | Number of Nodes | Pin List                                          | 
 |     VREF_DQ_W23  |     14          |  C14_W2.1,C14_W3.1,C2_W2.1,C2_W3.1,C8_W2.1,       | 
 |                  |                 | C8_W3.1,R46.2,R47.2,U1_W2.E1,U1_W3.E1,U2_W2.E1,   | 
 |                  |                 | U2_W3.E1,U3_W2.E1,U3_W3.E1                        | 
 |     VREF_CA_W23  |     14          |  C13_W2.2,C13_W3.2,C1_W2.2,C1_W3.2,C7_W2.2,       | 
 |                  |                 | C7_W3.2,R44.2,R45.2,U1_W2.J8,U1_W3.J8,U2_W2.J8,   | 
 |                  |                 | U2_W3.J8,U3_W2.J8,U3_W3.J8                        | 
 |     VREF_DQ_W01  |     14          |  C14_W0.1,C14_W1.1,C2_W0.1,C2_W1.1,C8_W0.1,       | 
 |                  |                 | C8_W1.1,R42.2,R43.2,U1_W0.E1,U1_W1.E1,U2_W0.E1,   | 
 |                  |                 | U2_W1.E1,U3_W0.E1,U3_W1.E1                        | 
 |     VREF_CA_W01  |     20          |  C13_W0.2,C13_W1.2,C1_W0.2,C1_W1.2,C64.1,C65.1,   | 
 |                  |                 | C67.1,C68.1,C7_W0.2,C7_W1.2,R20.2,R41.2,U1_W0.J8, | 
 |                  |                 | U1_W1.J8,U2_W0.J8,U2_W1.J8,U3_W0.J8,U3_W1.J8,     | 
 |                  |                 | U7.Y7,U8.Y7                                       | 


Deleted Nets

Identifies any Nets that appeared in Design2 that no longer appear in Design1
Deleted Nets

***Nets Deleted from Design1 NetList
 | Deleted Net Name    | Number of Nodes | Pin List                   | 
 |  TPS3808_SENSE_12V  |      4          |  C55.2,R160.1,R161.1,U20.5 | 
 |      GPIOB19_NC     |      1          |  U4.G1                     | 
 |  TPS3808_SENSE_3V3  |      4          |  C40.2,R123.1,R124.2,U19.5 | 
 |  P0V9_REG_BOOT_RC   |      2          |  C354.2,R281.2             | 
 |   RST_DELAY_12V     |      2          |  C56.2,U20.4               | 
 |   RST_DELAY_3V3     |      2          |  C41.2,U19.4               | 
 |      GPIOB39_NC     |      1          |  U4.H5                     | 
 |      GPIOB36_NC     |      1          |  U4.E2                     | 
 |       PSOC_P0_4     |      1          |  U3.26                     | 
 |      GPIOB15_NC     |      1          |  U4.J2                     | 
 |      PWRGD_P0V9     |      3          |  R125.1,R54.2,U19.3        | 

Renamed Nets

Identifies any Nets that have the same connections in the two Netlists but the nets have different names
Renamed Nets

***Nets Renamed in Design1 NetList
 | New Net Name | Old Net Name                   | Pin List                                 | 
 | P1R5V_IND    | UNNAMED_8_BYPASSCAPNPOL_I100_A | C25.1,C26.1,C27.1,C28.1,L1.2,NS6.1,R21.1 | 

Nets with Added Pins

Identifies any Nets in Design1 that have more Pins than in Design2
Nets With Added Pins

***Nets With New Pins Added in Design1 NetList
 | Net Name | New Pins                | 
 | GND      | R41.1,R43.1,R45.1,R47.1 | 
 | P1R5V    | R20.1,R42.1,R44.1,R46.1 | 

Nets with Deleted Pins

Identifies any nets in Design1 Netlist that had pins removed
Nets with Deleted Pins

***Nets With Pins Removed from Design1 NetList
 | Net Name               | Deleted Pins                                      | 
 | SGPIO_LOAD_B_3V3       | R502.2                                            | 
 | SYS_CORE_TRI_N         | R484.1                                            | 
 | P1V8                   | C184.2,C185.2,C791.2,L29.2,R479.2,R481.2,R484.2,  | 
 |                        | R503.1,R504.1,R507.1,R508.1,R518.2,R529.2         | 
 | CSW0_Q0_CTRL_TYPE      | R505.2                                            | 
 | SGPIO_CLK_B_3V3        | R498.2                                            | 
 | POWERLOSS_N            | R481.1                                            | 
 | PCIE_OSC_REF_VDD       | C731.2                                            | 
 | GND                    | C150.2,C153.2,C183.2,C184.1,C185.1,C219.2,C235.1, | 
 |                        | C236.1,C280.1,C731.1,C788.1,C791.1,J12.1,J13.1,   | 
 |                        | J3.1,J6.1,U19.2                                   | 
 | P3V3                   | R274.2,R495.1,R498.1,R499.1,R501.1,R502.1,R505.1, | 
 |                        | R506.1,U19.6                                      | 
 | CSW0_Q0_BP_TYPE_1V8    | R507.2                                            | 
 | SB6_CSW0_Q0            | R504.2                                            | 
 | CSW0_Q1_CTRL_TYPE      | R506.2                                            | 

Pins on New Nets

Identifies any pins that moved to a different Net in Design2
Pins on New Nets


This report has the following data columns by default:

  • New Net Name - This is the name of the net that is in the new design but not in the old design.
  • New Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the new design. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • New Net Nodes - These are all the nodes that are on the net in the new design.

Image Added

Removed Nets

Identifies any nets that appeared in the old design that do not appear in the new design.
Removed Nets

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • Old Net Name - This is the name of the net that is in the old design but not in the new design.
  • Old Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the old design. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • Old Net Nodes - These are all the nodes that are on the net in the old design.

Image Added

Renamed Nets

Identifies any nets that have the same connections in the two netlists but with different net names.
Renamed Nets

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • New Net Name - This is the net name in the new design.
  • New Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the new net. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • Old Net Name - This is the net name in the old design.
  • Old Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the old net.
  • Net Nodes - These are all the nodes on the net that was renamed. These are the same for both designs.
Image Added

Nets with Added Pins

Identifies any nets that exist in both designs that have had pins added in the new design.
Nets With Added Pins

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • Net Name - This is the net name in both designs.
  • New Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the new design. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • Nodes Added To Net - These are all the nodes that have been added to this net in the new design that are not present in the old design.

Image Added

Nets with Removed Pins

Identifies any nets that exist in both designs that have had pins removed in the new design.
Nets with Removed Pins

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • Net Name - This is the net name in both designs.
  • Old Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the old design. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • Nodes Removed From Net - These are all the nodes that existed on this net in the old design but are not present on this net in the new design.

Image Added

Nets with Added & Removed Pins

Identifies any nets that exist in both designs that have had pins added to the new design and removed from the old design.
Nets with Removed Pins

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • Net Name - This is the net name in both designs.
  • New Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the new design. Note: If we are unable to find a voltage property, we infer the voltage from the net name. This process is highly customizable by the user so the inferred voltages will conform to each individual user/design/company's net naming policy and standards.
  • Old Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the old design.
  • Nodes Added To Net - These are all the nodes that have been added to this net in the new design that are not present in the old design.
  • Nodes Removed From Net - These are all the nodes that existed on this net in the old design but are not present on this net in the new design.

Image Added

Pins On New Nets

Identifies any pins that exist on different nets in each design.
Pins on New Nets

This report has the following data columns by default:

  • Node - This is the node name in both designs.
  • Part Number - This is the part number associated with the node.
  • Description -  this is the part description associated with the part number.
  • Part Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the part in the new design. Note: we do not infer this voltage.
  • Old Net Name - This is the name of the net in the old design.
  • Old Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the old design. Note: This value can be inferred if a voltage property is not found.
  • New Net Name - This is the name of the net in the new design.
  • New Net Volt - This is the voltage (if we can find one) for the net in the new design.
  • Sym Num - This is the symbol number that the node exists on in the new design.
  • New Schematic Page Path - This is the page path for the node in the new design.

Image Added