Web Report Features

Web Report Features

The primary product of a NetBom operation is a collection of Web Reports that be viewed in any browser (though Chrome/Edge is recommended). These web reports share many features, and most of the reports are present in every operation.

Further documentation about common features:



  1. Report build information. It contains the name of the report and the build timestamp and version.

  2. Active CSET section. Click to open and view.

  3. Reports-centric statistics section. The information in this area will be different depending on the report.

  4. Netlist and partlist info web report links, along with relative paths to their original binary files.

  5. Table column searching. Works with regular text or with regular expressions. Note: because it can take multiple values (comma-separated), commas will not work as a search term. Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+F.

  6. Download report as Excel. This file exists in the same folder as the web report but is available to open with this button.

  7. Load/save edits. In reports that have editable rows, these buttons allow for saving and loading report edits. Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+S.

  8. Drop-down tabs for all available reports. These can be configured using the NetBom Report Settingsarchived feature.

  9. Table rows can be sorted by double-clicking column headers.

  10. In reports that have editable rows, one or many rows can be selected and edited at the same time. Comments can be block-written by selecting multiple rows and typing.

  11. Right-click context menu. Available options vary by report.

  12. Some options have keyboard shortcuts which will be visible in this menu as well.

  13. Link to report-specific documentation.