The SIMPLE_TQFP File format makes it easy to enter all the pins from a DataSheet that provides the device pinout using the Layout of the TQFP or inline package pins
This report type allows the user to export the pdf pinout from a datasheet into a spreadsheet with minimal user interaction required.
Example Data Sheet:
In this data sheet from Analog Devices, the Pinout is provided as shown.
It shows the TQFP device with the pin names and pin numbers arranged in a rectangle just like the physical device
Without the SIMPLE_TQFP PIN_REPORT, the user would need to convert this manually to a more conventional SpreadSheet pin report using the SPREADSHEET PIN_REPORT_TYPES, and that
can be an error prone process
With the inexpensive Able2Extract or ABBYY FineReader PDF 15 tools, the user can easily convert the pdf to the SIMPLE_TQFP spreadsheet
PartBuilder Videos: TQFP Pdf to SpreadSheet Conversion
SpreadSheet after conversion
The spreadsheet will look like this:
Once the Data sheet has been converted to a spreadsheet, The PartBuilder Pin-Extract function will find the pin data. It ignores all the extra graphic lines and just finds the pin Names and pin Numbers
In order to assist Pin-Extract in this case, the user needs to use the PCHK_DEVICE_VALID_PIN
Pin Types with SIMPLE_TQFP format
When the SIMPLE_TQFP format is used, the user must help PartBuilder identify PIN_TYPES using the PinExplorer function because there are no pinTypes avialable in the Spreadsheet
The PIN_OVERRIDE_TYPE file can also be used to provide this information so that the user doesn't have to edit the spreadsheet information they may have obtained from a vendor PDF file.
More information on the PIN_OVERRIDE_TYPE file can be found at this link PIN_TYPE_OVRD File