This file for a TI LMK00338 PCIE Clock generator was converted from pdf using the nitrocloud free online converter.
It shows an example where multiple pin_numbers and pin_names are contained in one cell of the spreadsheet. The DAP Pin number was also manually changed from DAP to 39.
Here is a snapshot of the table from the pdf datasheet:
The Pinout Table was split across 2 pages in the PDF, so we manually copied the rows containing pins 20-38 to the first page to make one table.
We will also make use of RENAME_RULES See SIG_RENAME_RULES For More Information in this example to rename the clock diff_pairs from
CLKoutA0, ClkoutA0*
CLKoutA0_P CLKoutA0_N
Here is the resulting spreadsheet:
PartBuilder will extract pin numbers from the first column, pin_names from the 2nd column and pin types from the 3rd Column. the 4th description column will be ignored
THE GENERIC_PIN_TYPE_MAPPING Config Setting must be filled out to translate the pin types provided in the TI datasheet to pin types that partBuilder (and the downstream EDA tools support)
The SIG_RENAME_RULES Config Setting selects a file in the local directory named diffPairRenameRules.txt which contains the following replace_rules to Fix the diff_pair names for the clocks into something the downstream EDA tools can support as pin_names.
#rename rules for clock out diff_pairs #we are trying to rename clkouta0 to clockouta0_p and clkouta0* to clkouta0_n #the $ in the regular expression match says that the name must end with a \d which is a digit... the match gets captured in $1 and then the _P is appended to the $1 (CLKOUT[AB]\d+)$:$1_P (CLKOUT[AB]\d+)[*]$:$1_N (CLKIN\d+)$:$1_P (CLKIN\d+)[*]$:$1_N