Configuration Settings HTML Report

Configuration Settings HTML Report


Configuration Settings HTML Report

With each release of the CadEnhance Tools, there is a good chance that a new set of Configuration Settings (CSETS) have been added or removed. Rather than maintain the documentation of these CSETS in this central document site, we added a function so that each Tool can creates the documentation for its latest CSET information on the fly. The tool will always have the best view of its own CSETS.



CSET Documentation Report

When the user selects the Report Configuration Settings item from the Config Menu or the Help MenuThe tool will create an html report of all the know Configuration Settings, and then open a web-browser to display the report.

The Report All Config Settings Button in the CONFIGURATION SETTINGS GUI will also produce the same report.

A sample report from PartBuilder v23.6.1 is shown here

Tool Version and TimeStamp

The Tool Version and Build TimeStamp will be displayed as the top Header

Filter Elements

The Filter Function provides a powerful way to search through all the CSETS.


Column Select

The first Entry provides a Browse Function allowing the user to select the search column which can be set to:

  1. Any Column (Searches for the entered string in all columns

  2. CSET (The Name of the CSET)

  3. Source (Where the selected CSET Value )

  4. Value

  5. Description

  6. More Info

Search Type

The user can set this entry to search for the selected column(s) Containing, or Not Containing the set of match_strings



Pattern Entry

Here the user enters the comma separated Match Strings



CSET Report Rows

A Table

There is a row present for each CSET that matches the CSET filter. For each CSET there is a column for the Source of the CSET Value, the Name of the CSET, the Value of the CSET, the Description of its function (which is stored in the code) and a column with More Information, which includes the default value for the CSET and the File Name that the setting came from if is a SITE or LOCAL value.

The Name, Value and Description are self-explanatory.

The Source of the Value will be displayed as one of three options. 

  1. SITE 

    1. This means that the Value came from the SITE settings Configuration File which is documented at the top of the report

  2. LOCAL

    1. This means the Value came from the LOCAL Configuration File which is documented at the top of the report


    1. This means that the Value is equal to the default value of the CSET which is internally maintained by the tool

  4. ENV_VAR

    1. This value was pulled from a system or user Environment Variable, The Value of these CSETS may be temporarily changed locally, but there is no mechanism to save the changes to the actual Environment Variable.

Sorting by Column

The Rows in the table can be sorted by any of the Column Values, the user can double click in the selected Header column to sort. A Vertical Arrow pointing up or down appears in the column selected for the sort


Expanding large cells

Browser Shortcut Keys

It can be helpful to know that most browsers support a

  • Ctrl <shift> '+'  shortcut to zoom in to a page

  • Ctrl '-' shortcut key to zoom out.

The table above was captured after using the zoom-out shortcut a few times.  

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