Testing License Checkout

Testing License Checkout

License Checkout Test Using the CadEnhance Tools

The Tools offer a built-in license test feature which attempts to checkout the appropriate feature from either the node locked license file, or the Flexera License Server 

It is best to use the 2 environment variables: CENHANCE_LICENSE_FILE and CE_LICENSE_DIR  to control where to check for licenses

The CENHANCE_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is used to point to the Flexera License server and should look something like: port#@server-name (27000@my-lic-server.company.com)

The CE_LICENSE_DIR is used to point to the folder where the node-locked license "license.dat" that you receive from CadEnhance (usually for demo licenses) will reside

If neither of these are set, the tool will default to looking for a node locked license in the license folder relative to where the tools were installed: InstallDir/license

like: C:\CadEnhance\license 

Use the License:Test License Checkout menu item

The tool will attempt to get a license for the appropriate feature and the status will be displayed in the Status window:

View License Checkout Status in the Status Window


Having Issues?

Your local config File might have an invalid path set in the CE_LICENSE_FILE CSET..

Read on to see how to clear that setting.

Clearing the CE_LIC_FILE CSET

When the tool checks for licenses, it first looks to see if the CE_LIC_FILE CSET has been configured. 

The CE_LIC_FILE CSET  is the old way of controlling where the tool will look for licenses. It is stored in the local config file so it is not very portable. 

You may need to clear the CE_LIC_FILE CET using the method below if you are running into licensing issues.

Use License:Set License File item

After clearing this entry,  close the tool and setup the CENHANCE_LICENSE_FILE or CE_LICENSE_DIR envVars as discussed above