Reference Information for dal constraint tool

Reference Information for dal constraint tool

dal Constraints/Stackup PowerPoint

 Its best to right click on this link and save it locally.  Then use the presentation mode because some of the animation helps explain the concepts.

Sample CRF File 

This is a sample Constraint Rules File spreadsheet. It will not work for your design since it is targeting  net-names that wouldn't exist in your design, but it provides a template you can use to cut and paste items from to get started creating the rules for your own design. Right click on this link to save it locally to your computer

dalTools Documents

dalTools Constraint.pdf

dalTools Stackup.pdf

Installed Examples 

When you download and install dalTools the install process creates a Shared directory that can be used to test out the dal constraint tool and dal stackup tools.

The directory is located underneath the DTS_SITE directory which we will assume is C:\Cadence\dalTools for the rest of this discussion

The directory is: C:\Cadence\dalTools\DTS_1.0\share\site\samples\constraint\test_brd\

The constraint sample board is a version 16.6 brd

the PCB brd file is named:


the CRF file is named:

test_brd_ConstraintWkSheet_8-22-2018.xml **

the stackup file is named:

test_brd_ttm_stackup_24_layer.xml **

The spreadsheets are provided in .xml format.

In order to edit the xml files, you may need to right click on the file and select open with.... Excel