Sample CadEnhance License File

Sample CadEnhance License File

######################################################################## # TERMS AND CONDITIONS ######################################################################## # # Please read these terms carefully prior to downloading or using the # products. You must protect the product(s) from unauthorized # reproduction, publication, use or distribution. If any product or # portion thereof is copied to or used on a computer connected to a # network, you must ensure that the product may not be used or copied # by unlicensed persons. # # To help ensure that you are only using authorized copies of the # product(s), CadEnhance may utilize monitoring technologies to obtain and # transmit non-proprietary data on unauthorized modifications to the # product(s). No such data will be collected or transmitted unless # unauthorized modifications to a product or unauthorized hosting of the # license server or product(s) are suspected. # By downloading the product(s), you confirm that you have the authority # to act on behalf of your employer. By downloading or using the # product(s) you hereby agree to the use of such technology and # transmission of such non-proprietary data by CadEnhance. # # IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MUST # IMMEDIATELY DELETE THIS CORRESPONDENCE AND YOU MAY NOT USE THE # LICENSE FILE OR ANY PRODUCTS INCLUDED THEREIN # # ####################################################################### # CADENHANCE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ####################################################################### # # If you have questions regarding this license file, please contact # CadEnhance customer support info@cadEnhance.com. # Support information pertinent to the Flexera Licensing is available at: # https://cadenhance.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/539721731/Working+with+Flexera+License+Server # # Customers may also use the online helpdesk at # https://cadenhance.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1 # # # CadEnhance Flexera License Info: # # License Issued: Nov 01 16:50:42 2018 # Company: cadEnhance # Customer Contact: bill Oleary # ###SERVER INFO ### ###You can replace the SERVER_NAME, PORT, and OPTIONS, but not the HOSTID... ###Features are locked to the HOSTID ### The PORT setting is optional ### But you can use it to lock the port that LMGRD will use ### It should be different from the Daemon port ### if you do not specify it, then it will be randomly picked ### It might be necessary to open this port for UDP and TCP traffic ### in the windows firewall on your windows flexera server ###SERVER SERVER_NAME HOSTID PORT [OPTIONS] SERVER bills-flex5-i7 xxxxxxxxxxxx 27000 # # The VENDOR Line can be edited to add the Path to the CENHANCE daemon file for the License server # The CENHANCE daemon file is provided with the TOOLS distribution in the # root:CadEnhance/license/flex{platform} directory. # the VENDOR line can also start with DAEMON # example: VENDOR CENHANCE C:\flexnet\CENHANCE\CENHANCE.exe # or: DAEMON CENHANCE C:\flexnet\CENHANCE\CENHANCE.exe # # to Lock the port you are using for the daemon, you can add the PORT=XXXXX option # VENDOR CENHANCE C:\flexnet\CENHANCE\CENHANCE.exe PORT=27000 # Note that this port should be different than the SERVER port # and you may need to open this port for UDP and TCP traffic in the windows firewall as well VENDOR CENHANCE C:\cadEnhance\license\flex64\CENHANCE.exe PORT=27001 USE_SERVER # #SYM_VIEW_ALL FEATURE is Free, uncounted and permanent # FEATURE SYM_VIEW_ALL CENHANCE 1.0 permanent uncounted SIGN="0012 45E3 \ 9181 AEFD D6D6 262B 5160 AD00 B7C0 6621 8116 786D 7D35 ADF3 \ DE72" # #CE_HDL_FREE FEATURE is Free, uncounted and permanent # FEATURE CE_HDL_FREE CENHANCE 1.0 permanent uncounted SIGN="0046 580E \ 3F2A 0A33 379C 0876 E0D5 AE00 69F7 F3F1 44D5 0DBA C918 AF94 \ F2E4" # #CE_CAP_UTILS_FREE FEATURE is Free, uncounted and permanent # FEATURE CE_CAP_UTILS_FREE CENHANCE 1.0 permanent uncounted SIGN="00EF \ 59B7 A572 B747 1CD9 6743 ED7B CA00 1759 F634 7ECD 9AC1 9D94 \ 106B EB26" # # Paid FEATURES # FEATURE PART_BUILDER_ALL CENHANCE 1.0 30-jun-2023 4 SIGN="000A 96F0 \ 967A 9642 1681 1430 C2CB 2500 119F E9EC D45C 7C71 8D97 A6A0 \ 2682" FEATURE PB_COMPARE_UTILS CENHANCE 1.0 30-jun-2023 4 SIGN="0031 7ED1 \ 8EC4 A199 BC8A 85F8 1532 FC00 96AC AE96 BDEB F802 A915 20FC \ 8941"