The PinData to Symbol Creation Pipeline

The PinData to Symbol Creation Pipeline

Follow this link to watch a video detailing the PartBuilder Symbol Creation PipeLine:PartBuilderSymbolCreationPipeLine

This diagram shows all the steps in the Symbol Creation Pipeline that PartBuilder uses to convert the Input PinData Information  into the desired Symbol Files. It is important for the user to understand the sequence of the steps.

The lavender boxes are the PartBuilder Processing steps.

The darker blue Folder shaped boxes are Control/Configuration Files. The lighter blue rectangular boxes represent Internal database storage.  The rounded green boxes represent interactive GUIs where users interact with the data to control the symbol building operations.

The process starts in the upper left where the Input PIN_REPORT_FILE is Read to extract all the provided pin Information. The next step is Pin Renaming where input pinNames can be changed by rules in the SIG_RENAME_RULES entry or the file pointed to by the SIG_RENAME_RULES entry. This step is followed by the Pin Type Override operation which assigns PinTypes to pins based on matching their pinNames after the rename step. The Result of the PinType Override operation is the Internal Pin Data database.

SMART-FRAC reads the Internal PinData Database, and creates the Initial Symbol Description Language (SDL) Template file.

The user edits the SDL Template file with the SDL EDITOR function (or a text editor if they so desire) to create the working SDL file.

When the user selects the MAP_SYMBOLS_TO_PINS operation (or the BUILD_SYMBOLS operation in the SDL EDITOR Gui), the SDL File Expansion Step is run, followed by the SDL Reader which builds the Pin Map Rules Database. The PinMap operation uses the Rule Database to map all the pins found in the PinData database into the appropriate locations on the symbol specified in the Working SDL file. The Pin Map operation creates the Internal Symbol Format Database which is a representation of all the symbols and the pins locations on each symbol.

The Build Symbols Operation kicks off the Symbol Generator step to build the appropriate Symbol Files for each enabled EDA Tool from the Internal Symbol Format Database and Property Editor Controls. 

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