CE-HDL Debug Console and Messages

CE-HDL Debug Console and Messages

Enabling or Disabling the Debug Console in the Windows version.

When the windows version of AllegroHdl starts the ceHDL tool, it can be configured to open a debug console which displays status messages as the cadEnhance tools control the AllegroHDL session.

The messages in the console may be helpful if something goes wrong

The windows debug console can be disabled after installation by editing the cehdl_concepthdl.scr file in the appropriate cdssetup/concept directory.

To enable the console, the user should add the '-i' after the cnskill command on the mpsruncommand line in the code block shown on the right

To disable the console, the user should remove the '-i' 

Linux Debug Information

A Linux user should never add the '-i' flag!  

In Linux, all debug messages will be printed to the Terminal (or xTerm) used to start AllegroHDL, so it can be helpful to keep that window open after starting projMgr or AllegroHdl

{Start CadEnhance CE_SKILL}

{ceHdl ceHdl_Config.il} 
{launches ceHDL functions pinWire, align, seedproof... using perlTK frontEnd}
{ With DEBUG set:system cnskill  -i -nongraph ceHdl_Config.il  }
{ Without DEBUG: system cnskill -nongraph ceHdl_Config.il  }
{Add the  -i (interactive) option by hand to get extra startup debug (and console window) on windows only }
{it cannot be used with linux servers}

mpsdeclare ceHdl
	 mpsruncommand="cnskill   -nongraph ceHdl_Config.il"

{End CadEnhance CE_SKILL}