The PIN_TYPE_OVRD file is a text file that contains mappings of PIN_NAME matches to PIN_TYPES

Any line starting with a '#' is a comment 

PartBuilder creates a list from this file of all PIN_MATCHES. It then sorts the PIN_MATCHES by length and applies the longest PIN_MATCHES first.

if there are 2 rules present




all GPIO pins except GPIO28, GPIO28_A, GPIO288 would  be assigned the INOUT type

GPIO28, GPIO28_A and GPOI288 would be assigned INPUT because the GPIO28 match is longer and wins for those signals

example PIN_TYPE_OVRD file
#Pins matching VDD will be assigned PIN_TYPE:POWER
#Pins matching SPI_DIO will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INOUT
#Pins matching txd will be assigned PIN_TYPE:OUTPUT
#Pins matching SPI_CS will be assigned PIN_TYPE:OUTPUT
#Pins matching GPIO_LATCH will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching VSS will be assigned PIN_TYPE:GROUND
#Pins matching PCE_RX will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching _RX_ will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching _OUT_ will be assigned PIN_TYPE:OUTPUT
#Pins matching _TX_ will be assigned PIN_TYPE:OUTPUT
#Pins matching _IN_ will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching gnd will be assigned PIN_TYPE:GROUND
#Pins matching SPI_CLK will be assigned PIN_TYPE:OUTPUT
#Pins matching _rxd will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching GPIO will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INOUT
#Pins matching sda will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INOUT
#Pins matching CSW[01]_RX will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT
#Pins matching scl will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INOUT
#Pins matching *_REF_* will be assigned PIN_TYPE:INPUT

The PIN_TYPE_OVRD File is very simple


any PIN_NAME that contains the PIN_MATCH string will be assigned the PIN_TYPE


any pinName that contains the VDD will be assigned the POWER PIN_TYPE

PartBuilder goes through each PIN in the pin data base

and uses the longest PIN_MATCH it finds in the whole

The PIN_OVRD_TYPE file can be created interactively using the PIN_EXPLORER GUI.

a pin type override rule is built as PIN_MATCH=PIN_TYPE

  • The Pin Name Match field is used to filter the pins to show the database pins that match the string you enter
    • The string you enter will be used as the left hand side (PIN_MATCH) of the override rule
  • the Choose Pin Type entry is used to select what PIN_TYPE you want to assign the matching PINS
    •  the selection is used as the  right_hand (PIN_TYPE) side of the override rule

so you enter a pin_match,

select a PIN Type

and then click the Assign Type to Matching Pins button. 

The gui will update to show the PIN_TYPES Change

when you click the Save type Assignments, all the Override rules you have been creating are  saved to the PIN_TYPE_OVRD file named in the top entry of the window.

Click here for a Video Demonstration of Overriding pintypes in PartBuilder