Open PartBuilder and Create New Part

1. Press the Choose Button next to the PART_CONFIG_FILE

2. Select the "Create New Part Folder..." Menu Item

3. Make sure Create New Folder Radio Button is selected

4. Type DDR3_TUTORIAL in the NEW_PART_NAME Entry

partBuilder will create a directory called DDR3_TUTORIAL under the WORKING_DIR selection

(which is set to C:/CadEnhance/workdir)

5. Press the Create New Button

PartBuilder will popup a window allowing you to choose the symGenCtl.txt file

6. Press the Save Button

PartBuilder filled out he default symGenCtl.txt FileName for you

and you should see that it is in the C:\cadEnhance\workdir\DDR3_TUTORIAL directory.

When you press save, partBuilder will create the config File with the default settings for your part

7. Press the "Done" Button

partBuilder is blocked at this point, waiting for you to confirm the operation

partBuilder will switch its working directory to C:\cadEnhance\workdir and create the symGenCtl.txt file when you press Done

8. Select the PIN_REPORT_TYPE using the pulldown 

The default value is PIN_NUM_TYPE_FILE, but we want to change it to IBIS_FILE

9. Browse to select the IBIS_FILE entry

10. We will select the PIN_REPORT_FILE in the next step

11. Click the "Save Changes" Button To save the work we've done